Monday, March 30, 2009

My authorized translation of original arcticle "2nd ResPublica – strict step-mother".: by Dymitr Bagiński from His blogsite.

IIndResPublica 1 – strict step-mother

13.02.2008 — by Dymitr Bagiński

"I send this to report, that on May 14 in cottage Podłuże territorial division2 Werba, administrative district3 Dubno 51 people were converted to catholicism. They were molded and enlightened mainly thanks to contribution of following citizens: 1) parish-priest from Ptycza father Jach Wincenty, 2) superior of State Grammar School in Dubno mr Markiewicz, 3) Manager of National Railroads station in Kamienica mr Kozłowski Władysław, 4) mrs Hanchanowa Zofia, 5) mr Hanchan Franciszek, 6) mr Downarowicz Paweł, chief officer of territorial division Werba."

That was a substance of a note, reporting progress in action of converting Ukrainians to Catholicism, sent to his superiors by Lieutenant-Colonel Kubicki, commander of 43rd Regiment of Infantry on May 16, 1938.

We have to face the truth - IInd ResPublica was a strict step-mother for Ukrainians.

The catalogue of Ukrainian prejudices in IInd ResPublica makes a very long list.

It all has started with polish victory in war against Western Ukrainian Republic (in 1918) over polish grounds and cottages around city Lwów (ukr. Lviv) and Eastern Galicia, that resulted in inability to obtain autonomy by Ukraine.

Then around year 1930 were conducted so called pacifications of ukrainian villages, that were provoked by sabotage and terrorist acts committed by Ukrainians. During this action about 450 villages were searched by polish soldiers. It turned over 1287 carbines and 566 revolvers. There never was established number of killed during those pacifications. The numbers varied from 0 (zero) to 35 victims. In 1932 the inspection of those terrains from League of Nations in summary stated, that Republic of Poland did not commit organized action of terror, persecution, or violation of civil rights against Ukrainians.

It all has started after death of Marshall Piłsudski. Polish State decided to intensify polonization. They had started to organize two-language schools, so called “utraquist4 (in theory – beautiful idea, polish and ukrainian children could learn in both languages simultaneously, in practice – it meant drastic reduction in count of ukrainian schools)

Above mentioned ill-conceived action of “catholicization” done with support of Polish Army... It was presented to population as reverse of Greek-Catholic Church influences forced over Poles during long period of Czar's occupation. During that action in Chełm and Podlasie territorial SPANisions alone over 100 Orthodox Churches were destroyed, almost 200 were put in charge of Roman Catholic Church.

The number of Ukrainians allowed to work as public servants were artificially restricted. Some sources mention of about 7 thousands civil servants from central Poland that had been sent to work in Eastern provinces.

One more very sore subject to Ukrainians were so called army settlers, that been allowed to get grounds on preferred basis, although they were miniscule component in global number of polish population in Eastern Provinces.

Is that all explainable? Does it excuse any incentives of the sides of conflict?

Prof. Ryszard Torzecki stated in interview for Gazeta Wyborcza: “Main influence on what had happened between Poles and Ukrainians in times of Second World War (…) had conflict from period of twenty years of peace interval between two World Wars. (…) We can ask who was more responsible. I think that always those, who keep the government power in their hands. Before Second World War it were Poles, and during the war - first Soviets, then Germans”.

Step-mother - IInd ResPublica was not gentle for her proclaimed Ukrainian children, She more often than not treated them harshly. When they disobeyed – She was quick to beat them to pulp. But on the other hand She took care for them, trying to raise new, valuable citizens. At the same time, behind the eastern border line Soviet apparatus sent millions to Gulag's, and starved to death even more during a period of Great Hunger. Greek-Catholic Metropolitan of Stanisławów said: God's Providence let stay at least part of our ukrainian nation under polish rule...

So should we assume that whole blame lays on side of harsh laws and created environment alone? And perpetrator - not guilty?

Into the window of the residence of parish-priest Father Wincenty Jach, who in 1938 cooperated with Polish Army in converting Ukrainians, on Sept 2nd 1941 someone throwed a grenade. Priest remained unscathed. During a summer of 1943 Father Jach, warned by some Ukrainians escaped the village. Angry assailants shoot instead 3 Poles and whole mixed polish-ukrainian family of 4, and burned an antique church. Remaining parishioners of Father Jach probably have survived.

In burned church, from several hundreds years old public registers, supposedly appeared that many of contemporary Ukrainian families living nearby were listed as catholic Poles in origin.

Bibliographic sources:

Wiktor Poliszczuk, “Dowody zbrodni OUN i UPA” t.2, Toronto 2000

Władysław Siemaszko, Ewa Siemaszko, “Ludobójstwo dokonane przez nacjonalistów ukraińskich na ludności polskiej Wołynia 1939-1945”, Warszawa 2000.

Interview of prof. R.Torzeckiego for Gazeta Wyborcza (issue for Warsaw), nr 161 printed 12-13.07.2003.

1Second Republic of Poland - 1918-1939 (latin: ResPublica, polish: Rzecz Pospolita or short form: RP).

2Polish - gmina

3Polish - powiat

4Wikipedia – Utraquists

Link to original Article (in polish)

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